Saturday, 29 October 2011

Afternoon at WeeStock 2011

So Noah & I spent part of the Halloween Weekend at WeeStock 2011.

So many many many Awesome vendors there.

It was a bit crowded getting in, there were so many people and strollers there. Luckily there was also a stroller check there where you would check in your stroller and take a baby carrier for a test drive around the show. Courtesey of CBHM inc.
I "tested" one of their wraps early last February for the Mom,Pop & Tot show...Loved it and bought a teal &  black wrap. I am now just waiting for my New Buckle Mei Tei from the same Company.

So happy to say that the CoverBoo Nursing scarf was carried at the Booth... Pretty good spot ( Right next the the Bibagogos ! )

And here is the Lovely Ms. Doherty herself rockin the CoverBoo ! You should really check out her store - she's got some pretty Unique Stuff !

There was one other booth I wanted to mention - Plumb & Posey
I had never seen them before, They make charms & pendants from fingerprints, toe prints, nose prints....
Here is their website :
I had a peek at their display and had the owner / designer Adrinna Hardy take a print from Noah's Toe.
She was great with him... then again, he WAS flirting with her...


Awwwww baby toe prints....

In a couple of weeks I should recieve my custom pendant with Noah's toe Print. I chose the Silver Bead Slider with inital...... Sooooo Cool. I realize I cant really wear my necklaces right now since Noah's still all Mr. Grabby. But I still love the idea !
Saw some great ladies ( and gents )  there and am starting to recognize who's who in the tradeshow circut !!!

Friday, 28 October 2011

Meeting with Nanny Robina

So a few days ago I was invited to a Meet & Greet with the one & Only Ms. Nanny Robina from "The Mom Show" & "CityLine" fame...albiet Canadian Fame ! OMGoodness - she is such a sweeeeeet little ol nanny ! And she`s almost 50yrs old ! You`d never know it to look at her ! I guess the kids keep her young.

It was a small group of maybe 15 or so other people. She told us some stories and doled out some advice on child care etc...mostly dealing with toddler shenanegans !!!  There was alot of questions asked by the crowd, so much so that I wish I took notes. I met a few moms from twitter so it was a nice evening out !

** On another note ***
mama got herself a brand new sewing machine !!!  YAY !

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

First PodCast Interview.

So today was my first interview on "This Manic Mama"  - a weekly podcast based out of Montreal, hosted by the lovely Ms.Lindsey Campbell. TMM highlights real moms and dads who are working hard to raise their kids to be conscious and critical citizens of the world.

I went to high school with Lindsay...Social 30, Photography, Commercial Arts if I remember correctly.
Grad '96.. my how we've changed.

I really wasnt sure what we would be talking about. But we touched on some topics about PPD, Mental Health, being a new mom & having the right support systems, different mom/play groups, a bit of highschool catch up. I was even able to do a bit of a plug for CoverBoo Couture !

Noah was relativly good, except he kept grabbing or kicking the ear piece wires away. And the dog kept trying to steal Noah's puff treats. Other than that it was my first time on Skype - So I just hope the interview comes out ok !

I think it will be aired on Thursday.

Monday, 17 October 2011

Motherhood & the Travelling CoverBoo

Ok - so I ripped this blog posts title from the SisterHood & the Travelling pants.
We had our very first trip & plane ride with baby Noah. And I must say he did uber fabulous !
Flirting with all the stewardess' and all the other passengers.

I always try to pack light and many thanks fo the tips from  !
The CoverBoo was convenient - fashion piece, nursing cover, scrunched up pillow, blanket, drool wiper, peek-a-boo toy all in one... and I didnt even have to dig into the diaper bag !

Fun times watching dolphins, turtles and beluga whales @  the Aquarium  !!